My Personal Story

My journey to a better life followed a path through personal struggles and external influences. I found lifestyle solutions and communication techniques that make a difference.

Melanie Suzanne Wilson in green shirt

I now live in the Newcastle area of New South Wales, co-parenting my daughter as I navigate her additional needs. I guide public-speaking efforts, having grown up with those forms of storytelling. I feel light and calm after anxiety by prioritising rest, whole plants, minimalism, sustainable solutions and community connection.

How did I get here?

Life continues to bring flawed experiences and inspire all emotions. However, I maintain and share the tools that nurture self-care. This is my ideal way to cope with this wild life. I found these ways during times of change.

Finding my authenticity beyond the traditional upbringing

I grew up in traditional environments where I felt like I was putting on an ‘act’ to please others. I worried that I had to hold back my quirky, opinionated self.

Religious groups emphasised selflessness until I barely knew myself. Strict, pure norms contrasted with my real-world experiences. I would eventually explore spiritual interpretations of life so I could follow ethical structures in systems that support my authenticity.

Although I am grateful for the public speaking techniques I learned from a young age, I felt more relaxed when looking beyond the conforming formality of my earliest mentors.

I particularly appreciate how my grandparents influenced my choices. That era was a unique experience of growing into adulthood under the eyes of a confident community. However, I broadened my horizons after moving to the coast.

My daughter was born in 2018. Parenting and the pandemic would guide me to pursue a more conscious lifestyle. I feel excited to be sharing alternative ways of living when communicating with audiences.

Melanie Suzanne Wilson and Elizabeth Wilson OAM

Experimenting with various amounts of minimalism

Early parenthood led me to minimalism as I questioned the heavily consumerist marketing aimed at parents. Before becoming a minimalist, I felt overwhelmed by shopping for more and more stuff. I feel more comfortable in a sensible space with things that are truly needed.

Pursuing an eco-life

Along with minimalism came other influences for a sustainable lifestyle. Second-hand clothing and other supplies became admirable when justified by this ethical motivation. Prioritising quality over quantity, products would last longer over time. I reuse jars to store almost anything. I look for natural products such as art supplies to nurture health and the planet.

Eating plants

I initially turned veg because it simply felt comfortable. I never enjoyed cooking meat. And I was the fussy one when it was on my plate. The internet showed me how plant-based cooking is easy and healthy. I gradually switched to emphasising whole plants until it became my permanent lifestyle. My health transformed in ways that I never imagined. I dropped kilograms and a dress size. Affordable whole plants became a form of abundance.

Affordable consumption

We still need to consume things we truly need - healthy food, essential supplies, self-care products and more. As I reconsidered what is truly needed, everyday consumption became more affordable. Life still has its challenges as I rebuild after life events. However, I found responsible abundance from whole plants and sustainable options.

Finding spirituality

I began following spirituality during the pandemic. This path offered inclusive freedom. I am grateful to all the mindfulness teachers and experts who lead me to a more conscious life. This way is a journey more than a destination. The philosophy fits comfortably with my lifestyle.

The wild child

I always knew my daughter needed extra attention. The wiggle worm always had extra energy, thriving more when moving around and getting outside instead. Her creativity shone through after a few years. Further into parenthood, I learned that I should push for the wild child to be accepted for her great uniqueness. Realising that the education system does not easily accommodate individual needs and strengths, this experience brought me into an era of unexpected activism.
